from Christian Leaders
Dr. Brandt was a pioneer of biblical counseling. He was highly respected and influential in the Christian community. Well known Christian leaders have said:
Henry T. Blackaby
Blackaby Ministries
“We have too much of the ‘world’s counsel and reasoning’ as a substitute for God’s counsel and truth. Dr. Brandt presents a refreshing and much needed ‘return to God!’”
Gary Smalley
Smalley Relationship Center
“Dr. Brandt is the man who directed me into what I’m doing today. The advice he gave me years ago still has a daily effect on what I do. His insight was enough to give me a gift I will carry with me for the rest of my life.”
Richard C. Halverson, D.D.
Former Chaplain to the United States Senate
“Henry Brandt has been a personal friend and mentor for many years. His practical and professional counsel, deeply rooted in the Bible, has been life-changing for multitudes here in America and in the mission fields of the world. He specializes in causes, not symptoms, and administers the ‘cure’ rather than Band-aids.TM”
Dr. Beverly LaHaye
Concerned Women for America
“It was Dr. Henry Brandt who first introduced me to the filling of the Holy Spirit that could change my fearful and worrisome ways to a position of strength and confidence.”
Chuck Colson
Prison Fellowship
“There is no wiser teacher in the Christian world than Henry Brandt. I have profited enormously from his work—you will too!”
Dr. Bill Bright
Founder of Campus Crusade for Christ
“I consider Dr. Henry Brandt to be one of the most biblically oriented psychologists of our time. His insight and wisdom lay a clear path toward the abundant life that Christ offers to all Christians. He is a senior statesman of the Christian world. He is one of the most astute, productive, and effective communicators of God’s Truth, as it relates to people who are in need of special counsel…”
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